If you’re pulled over while driving in the state of New York, you may be given a field sobriety test. These tests are used to determine whether you’re driving while inebriated and may be given in conjunction with a breathalyzer (which calculates your blood alcohol...
Experienced And Knowledgeable Legal Representation
Year: 2018
What counts as reasonable suspicion for a DWI stop?
When police suspect that you are driving while intoxicated, they will pull you over. Arrests for DWIs are not uncommon, as law enforcement arrested over one million drivers in 2014. How do you know if the police had the right to pull you over? What happens if they did...
Does New York have the death penalty?
When someone is convicted of a violent crime, he or she faces some of the most severe punishments that the legal system can hand down. In some states, this means such a conviction could get you the death penalty. However, in New York, according to the Death Penalty...
Different factors affect your ability to metabolize alcohol
If you get pulled over for suspicion of driving intoxicated in New York, you will be asked to perform a serious of tests. If you fail them and are convicted of a DWI, you can face serious and long-term consequences. Many drivers wonder how many drinks it takes before...
How much will a DWI cost you?
When the police pull you over for a DWI in New York, you may not be as worried about the charges or the record that you are facing, but instead how much it will cost you to recover. DUI and DWI charges are not inexpensive, and it can cause grief to many individuals....
Man appears in court, accused of embezzling $1.2 million
When business owners hire employees and entrust them with important responsibilities, they rely on their employees to have integrity and to follow procedures that have been designed to protect the assets of their organization. However, there are plenty of unfortunate...
How transparency can reduce white collar crime
For many companies in New York the importance of providing stringent protocols for employee behavior is prioritized in an effort to reduce shady behavior that could potentially damage the company’s reputation, tarnish their brand and destroy their success. While there...
What is arson?
Arson is considered a very serious crime, with most states categorizing it as a felony offense. Not only can it destroy property, it can also take lives in the process. Justia.com explains the different elements of arson and how perpetrators of this crime are usually...
What are the treatment options for an alcohol addiction?
If you’ve recently been convicted of a DWI in New York, you probably have a lot more on your mind than just legal issues. You might also be concerned about getting treatment for an alcohol addiction, which can result in trouble with the law as well as many other...
What is tax evasion?
You may have heard the term “tax evasion” many times without understanding what it means. Tax evasion is a form of fraud in which a taxpayer willfully attempts to deceive the government as to the amount of taxes owed. Businesses, as well as individuals, can perpetrate...