Experienced And Knowledgeable Legal Representation

Providing The Buffalo Area With Excellent Criminal Defense And Personal Injury Help

Take nothing for granted after a criminal arrest or a personal injury. Your best chance at preserving all your rights in the face of an accident or criminal accusations is to entrust your legal matter to a lawyer with a favorable track record.

New York attorneys at Daniel J. Henry, Jr., Esq. PLLC, welcome your request for information about any of the following legal matters.

  • Criminal defense: Seek a lawyer with experience and a strong conviction in favor of protecting the legal rights of all people accused of criminal offenses. Stand up for your Fourth Amendment rights. Make the effort to protect your freedom and your future.
    • White collar crime: Have you been charged with identity theft, fraud, embezzlement or criminal tax violations? The sooner you have a defense attorney advocating for you, the more opportunities you are likely to have of a favorable outcome.
    • Driving under the influence of alcohol (DWI): Was a law enforcement agent justified in stopping you on suspicion of drunk driving? Were sobriety tests reasonable, reliable and valid?
  • Personal injury: We represent people injured in auto accidents, slip-and-fall accidents, sports injuries and workplace accidents of all kinds.

Contact Us In Hamburg

Daniel J. Henry, Jr., Esq. PLLC, urges you not to discuss your case with anyone before you are represented by a lawyer. What you say may jeopardize your case unnecessarily. Contact us to schedule a consultation.