Many holiday parties feature great food along with alcoholic beverages. While you want to ensure you and others have a great time, you should also keep in mind the dangers of drinking and driving so you can avoid these problematic behaviors. State Farm offers the...
Experienced And Knowledgeable Legal Representation
Month: November 2018
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How does a court judge trademark infringement?
Since trademarks help provide recognition for businesses and corporations in New York, it is in your best interest to protect your trademark if you suspect another party is using a trademark that is so similar to yours that your clients may confuse it for the one you...
Why are DWI checkpoints legal?
If you are pulled over, an officer normally needs a valid reason to suspect you were breaking the law. However, at sobriety checkpoints, anyone can be stopped and asked to take a chemical test. Does this practice infringe upon your fourth amendment rights? Not in the...